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Topic: object expressions
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Joined: Oct 19, 2021
Posts: 78

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2024 4:04 PM    Post subject: object expressions

I am using an object expressionevaluator to set the file path for recdording data in excel filewriter
Here is the expression "design/Sessions/" + (In2 == null ? In1 : In2) + "/session.xls"

The folder created has each file simply named session. I would like to attach the date of session to the file name using OSInfo so each filename is SessionM/d/yy h :m

I have tried to modify the expression to do that but have had no success. I am not familiar enough with the working of this evaluator.

Can you suggest a modification i could make to make this work


Joined: Oct 22, 2007
Posts: 1049

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2024 7:54 PM    Post subject:

Yes, if you select "Date/Time" option in OSInfo, then you can connect its output directly to ObjectExpressionEvaluator.

For example if you connect it to In3 just add this to your expression :

+ (In3 == null ? "" : In3)

or just: +In3 might also work fine.
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